About the association
Nykyaika is supported and maintained by Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika ry. The purpose of the association is to make known and expand photography as a form of artistic expression, advance its interaction with other fields of art, and connect photographers and other representatives of different art forms. The association has held photo exhibitions in Tampere since 1982. Nykyaika has been the regional photographic centre of Pirkanmaa since 1989.
To support its activity, the association may receive financial contributions, donations and wills, own movable and fixed assets necessary for its purposes, and enact fundraisers and raffles with the relevant permits. The association receives discretionary operating grants from Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the city of Tampere, with which the operations of the board of the association as well as exhibitions will be maintained. To cover the cost of projects, international events and other activities of the photographic centre, we apply for financial aid from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the city of Tampere, private foundations, and other sponsors and collaborative partners interested in supporting our work.
Rules of the association (pdf in Finnish)
Toimintaamme tukevat:
Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Tampereen kaupunki ja Museovirasto
General info
Photographic Centre Nykyaika ry works in the field of photography and media culture by uplifting photography as a form of artistic expression and visual communication, by promoting the interaction of photography with other fields of art, and by bringing together photographers and their audiences.
The activities of the association are based on regional and international cooperation, along with professional employees. Nykyaika was started in 1982 and has been a photographic centre since 1989. Nykyaika has organized international photo events since 1987.
Valokuvakeskus Nykyajan profiilissa korostuu pitkäjänteinen kansainvälinen toiminta. Yksi merkittävä toimintamuoto on Backlight-valokuvafestivaalin järjestäminen paikallisten, kansallisten ja kansainvälisten yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa. Tapahtuman ohjelmaan kuuluu laajojen näyttelyiden lisäksi Symposium, joka pitää sisällään seminaareja ja esitelmiä, työpajoja lapsille ja nuorille sekä valokuvan opiskelijoille ja ammattilaisille, opastettuja kierroksia näyttelyvieraille ja taiteilijatapaamisia sekä valokuvataiteilijoiden portfolio-katselmuksia.
The photographic centre hosts a gallery space and a reference library. We guide students, hobbyists and other groups with questions regarding photo culture and assist photographers with their own projects. The photographic centre maintains an informational bank of photographers in the area. The photographic centre aims to better the position of photographic art in publich art purchases.
Exhibition activities
Valokuvataiteen asiantuntijana Nykyaika painottaa dokumentaarisen valokuvan merkitystä, valokuvataiteen uusia, käsitteellisiä muotoja ja suhdetta muihin taiteenaloihin. Näyttelyiden ohessa Nykyaika järjestää mahdollisuuksiensa mukaan oheisohjelmaa, kuten taiteilijatapaamisia, seminaareja, yksittäisiä luentoja ja valokuvatyöpajoja. Edistämme kaikenlaista valokuvakulttuuria ja toimimme valokuva-alan tietopankkina.
Collaborative projects
We collaborate with photographic centres, galleries, private photo artists and all other possible parties from Finland and overseas to organize different kinds of exhibitions. We organize course activities according to our resources and the interest of possible participants in collaboration with different study centres.