Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika ry welcomes all members to brainstorm ideas and develop our work. Supporting membership is open to all interested in our work. Supporting members have no requirements, and no responsibilities within the association. Actual members are mainly photo- and visual artists, researchers, and people operating on the field.
Applying to be an actual member:
Any person who approves of the purpose of the association may apply to be an actual member. Actual members who are at least 15 years old have the right to vote in the association's meetings. Actual members are approved by the board by a written application.
You may apply for membership by filling out an online form (only in Finnish) or by printing and filling out this membership application form (also in Finnish).Return it to our office with your signature. In addition to the application form applicants are asked to write 1) a free-form letter expressing their reasons for applying for membership, and 2) a link to their home page or an online portfolio.
The board will process the application in their next meeting.
Membership fee 2024: Ordinary member 30 €
As a member of the association you may get a link to your website added to Nykyaika's website if you wish, an online membership newsletter once a month, a chance to offer your works in the association's own exhibitions, as well as discounts from stores in the field.
Becoming a supporting member:
Any person or group approving of the purpose of the association may apply to be a supporting member. Supporting members have no voting rights in the association's meetings. We ask that you send a free-form message to our executive director (director.nykaika (at ) The board will process the application in its next meeting.
Support membership payment:
- persons: 50€
- groups and organizations of 1-5 persons: 150€
- groups and organizations of over 5 persons: 250€
One print of your choosing will be donated to new supporting members.
Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika ry has published a photo briefwhich contains 16 different photographic art works. As a welcoming gift, new supporting members may choose one print (30 x 43cm) after the successful processing of their first supporting membership payment.
The photos of the brief have been donated by the following members of the association:
Terhi Asumaniemi – Helinä Hukkataival – Aimo Hyvärinen – Petri Ihanus – Soile Iivonen – Riitta Järvelä – Janne Laine – Mirja Paljakka – Marja Pirilä – Asko Salminen – Saara Sillanpää – Merja Tanhua – Marja-Liisa Torniainen – Jaana Tyrmi – Risto Vainio – Hans Viebrock.
In the future, supporting members may also get more prints from the photo brief for things like personnel or clientele gifts.
Joint membership with other photo centers
From the beginning of 2024, seven Finland's regional photo centers will adopt joint membership of the photo centers. Joint membership of photography centers gives photo art lovers the opportunity to take advantage of the membership benefits of several photography centers for the price of one membership fee.
The photo centers included in the joint membership offer their members benefits, e.g. about the use of analog and digital photo laboratories, discounts in regional partner stores, expert services and opportunities to participate in member exhibitions.
The benefits of joint membership listed below belong to all photo center members, regardless of the photo center. A person can only be a member of one photo center, but use the benefits of joint membership when moving in different locations.
Participating Photo centers: Valokuvakeskus Raasepori – Fotocentrum Raseborg rf (Raasepori), Luovan valokuvauksen keskus ry (Jyväskylä), Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus – Nordliga fotocentret ry (Oulu), Pohjanmaan valokuvakeskus Lakeus ry (POVA) (Lapua), Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika ry (Tampere), Valokuvakeskus Peri ry (Turku) ja VB-valokuvakeskus (Victor Barsokevitsch -Seura ry) (Kuopio). Joint membership takes effect on March 1, 2024.
Benefits of joint membership
Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika ry (Tampere)
Members exhibitions
Member prices for workshops
Extensive reference library
-20% discount on framing at the Tampere and Helsinki offices of Kehysliike Malki
-20% discount on prints at Ninan kuvamaailma
Fotocentrum Raseborg Valokuvakeskus rf (Karjaa)
Members' evenings (lectures and artist meetings)
-15% discount at Taidekehystämö Elevanti, Åminnefors, Raasepori
Luovan valokuvauksen keskus ry (Jyväskylä)
Member prices for workshops, the SPARRI mentoring group and other events
The rights to use the analog darkroom and the digital lab
Extensive reference library
Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus – Nordliga fotocentret ry (Oulu)
Free clinic expert meetings in Oulu or remotely (contact
Participation in workshops, courses and other paid events at membership prices
Discount codes in Fotonordic's online store and Hotel Helka (Helsinki) (contact:
Possibility to use the collaborative darkroom at member prices (Pikimusta Pimiö, Oulu)
Pohjanmaan valokuvakeskus Lakeus ry (POVA) (Lapua)
Rights to use digital lab
Analog darkroom usage rights
Valokuvakeskus Peri ry (Turku)
Members exhibitions
Digital workroom Perilab
Reference library
Victor Barsokevitsch-Seura ry / VB-valokuvakeskus (Kuopio)
Invitation to the openings + avec
-€2 discount on regular admission price
Extensive reference library