Location and accessibility

How to visit photographic centre Nykyaika:

You can easily reach us on foot or by bus, as the gallery is located in the heart of Tampere, just a few minutes' walk from the central square, at. Kauppakatu 14The western end of Hämeenkatu and Hämeenpuisto are only a block away from Nykyaika.

If you are travelling by car, please note that Kauppakatu is a one-way street, starting from Hämeenpuisto. Paid on-street parking is available on Kauppakatu.


Photographic centre Nykyaika is located on two floors. The building is old valuable real estate and therefore not entirely accessible.

The street level of the gallery hosts one exhibition space and our reference library. The front door has two steps, on which we can place a ramp for accessibility by wheelchair or rollator. The width of the door is 80cm. The street-level floor has two low thresholds that can be crossed with assistive devices.

An alternative access to the Nykyaika premises, directly on the side of the library, is possible through the inner courtyard of the building, in which case the wheelchair or rollator must be lifted over one threshold, about 10 cm high. The door is 75cm wide. The gate leading to the inner courtyard is locked, so this route can only be used when a visit to Nykyaika is arranged in advance. The best time to go through the courtyard is on weekdays until around 3PM.

The street-level floor has a narrow toilet with a high threshold that cannot fit mobility aids or an assistant. The lower floor can only be accessed by stairs.

Guide dogs, assistance dogs and other dogs are also welcome at Nykyaika.


Principles for a safer space

Nykyaika Photo Centre is committed to the principles of safer space. Our exhibitions and events will adhere to mutually agreed safer space principles to ensure that everyone who attends feels welcome and safe.

We are polite and considerate to everyone. We do not use offensive language.

Every person is equal. We respect everyone's right to self-determination and freedom to be themselves.

We respect each other's boundaries and our own space. No one may be touched without permission or harassed verbally, non-verbally or physically.

We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or violent behaviour. Everyone has the right to enjoy exhibitions and events in peace.

If you encounter harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour towards yourself or another person, tell the staff or the association's harassment contact person (Ville Kurki, ville1_kurki(at)gmail.com).

If someone does not respect the safer space policy or continues to behave in an offensive way despite a ban, staff have the right to remove them from the premises.